George Eliot was a famous English novelist of the Victorian era. A women well versed in doing what it takes to achieve results. 

George was, in fact, Mary Anne Evans and used a male pen name to be taken seriously in the chauvinistic Victorian era. 

She uttered many famous quotes one of which is a personal favourite and ideal to start today’s post. 

It is never too late to be what you might have been. 

George Eliot 

If you are ready to finally be what you might have been and the owner of a fast-growing, profitable, self-managed recruitment company, you need to start by creating your recruitment game plan. 


Do You Have a Game Plan? 



I suspect if you are reading this post you either have no idea what I am talking about, have some idea of where you are going or have a rough plan that isn’t delivering? 

A game plan is vital if you want to experience dramatic growth with your recruitment consultancy; let me explain more about it.  

For many years business planning was something only corporate organisations, ‘did’. 

Smaller recruitment companies could operate out of their spare bedroom or a small shared office only a few short years ago. A phone, the yellow pages, Microsoft office and a determined approach, would serve you well. 

However, the market has changed significantly and in multiple ways. There are more recruitment companies than ever in the UK and across the globe. The barrier to entry is small, and the World Wide Web and our changing multigenerational workforce mean that people have more choice than ever before, with buying decisions sometimes happening before the client or candidate even speaks to you. 

If you want to navigate this new landcape, you need a game plan, and the good news is this doesn’t need to be mega complex either. 

It’s a simple plan that is organised in such a way that you can map out the various milestones on your success path in achievable chunks. 

Clients who work with us report that they have been able to scale their business growth by 30-50% in less than 24 months; that is the untapped power of a plan. If you want to know more about this and how Katy and I support our clients contact us here and put a game plan in the box. 



Where Do I Start? 

There are a few key areas that form part of a game plan that works. 

  • What do you want? 
  • Where is your starting point? 
  • What has worked now or in the past (data driven)? 
  • What are my targets and benchmarks? 

Pretty straightforward questions that surprisingly not everyone considers. 


A Practical Example 



For instance, let’s say you have a goal of creating your exit plan. You have a rough idea of how that might happen and what your ‘pot/value’ needs to be. 

However, your starting point reveals to you that your niche is dying slowly, you have lots of low value roles on the whiteboard, and less than 20% of them are getting filled…. and you have never got your fees over 12%. 

Though the data you have uncovered isn’t the best news you have ever had, you now have the knowledge of what will need to change. 

Next steps? Consider what results you want to achieve from your turnover to your average fee level. 

This requires a focus on growth and how that will happen. If your desks or consultant average billings are flat, you need a plan to improve this.  

Whether that’s better BD ( download our free guide here) or improving performance follow our step by step blueprint here. 

There is another layer of detail here that will enable you to scale of course, and we cover that in our RockIT programme. 

However, if you act on this alone, your results will change. 


Warm regards  


Nicky and Katy 

P.S. If you would like support to create your game plan and find out more about our new Rockit programme get in touch here.