The Situation
Reema Gainley is an ex-Digital and Technical professional and the founder and owner of Digital Talent Hub, a niche Digital and Technology specialist recruitment company, run by ex-Digital and Technology senior commercial and technical industry professionals.
Reema has achieved something unique in the recruitment market. She set up a successful recruitment company with zero experience in recruiting or running a recruitment organisation.
In her own words: “I felt like the recruitment industry provided an excellent opportunity for flexible working while I was also able to offer a high-quality consultative service.
The more I spoke to people about it, having worked in industry; having used recruitment companies effectively; having dealt with good ones and bad ones during my career as I hired my teams and going through all those pain points when you are hiring and building out technical and commercial teams.
I knew my experience could add tremendous value, and I could still create that offering while not having to travel extensively around the world like I was doing in my previous role.”
Reema was ambitious and knew that to scale her virtual recruitment business model effectively, she would need help. That is when she spoke to Nicky on a profit accelerator call and then went onto join RockIT.
Reema has several goals she wants to achieve. Here is a summary of what they are and her corresponding results after working with Nicky, Katy and the Centred Excellence team.
- To grow and scale Digital Talent Hub while working part-time across the UK, Europe and
the US. - To consistently provide service at an exceptional level to clients and candidates.
- To offer flexible working opportunities to digital professionals who no longer wanted to work in the city.
- To provide a retained service.
- To move from the 360 model to something else which would be better for Reema’s candidates, clients and virtual team.
Implementation and Results
Reema joined the RockIT programme which involved events, online learning and coaching. Being an action taker, Reema was able to achieve the following results.
- Had her biggest quarter ever.
- Through the systematisation and focus, the business is growing weekly.
- Reema has managed to ‘replace herself’ from the day-to-day hands-on work and has taken an extended break ever this summer from the business while it continued to grow.
- Stopped working the 360 model and adopted the 120-recruiting model and was able to hire individuals with specific skillsets that could add exceptional value to candidates and clients across the whole recruiting process.
- Hires her team only from Industry offering flexible working hours
- Said goodbye to time–wasting, low paying clients and got crystal clear on her ideal candidate and client ‘avatar’ to serve.
- Increased her fees by an extra 5%
- Stopped taking ‘any role’ and launched a retained offer.
- Packaged the Digital Talent offer in such a way as to communicate the accurate value offer and charge higher fees.
- Created a unique team structure comprising of a business development team, a search team and a candidate delivery team.
- Developed a set of clear and straightforward KPI’s across the board, so all team members know precisely what they are accountable for.
- Team culture is ‘off the scale’ which means a happy Digital Talent Hub team who are then consequently more productive and successful.
Final Words from Reema About RockIT and Centred Excellence
“So, for me, as someone completely new to running a recruitment company, I would say it’s been invaluable for my business. It’s given me knowledge of the pitfalls that I can altogether avoid as I’m growing my business.
RockIT is essentially a blueprint on which to create a successful business, and that’s been fantastic for me because otherwise, that would’ve taken me a lot more research and a lot more trial and error.
Also, what’s been great is I’ve got to communicate every week with other recruitment business owners. To understand their challenges or what’s not working for them and everyone’s been incredibly supportive, it’s an excellent place for us to collaborate and share information and resources as well which has accelerated my learning.
I can’t put a value on it; it’s been fantastic.”
Reema Gainley