All too often, when recruitment business owners come onto one of our RockIT programmes, they have multiple ideas going on in their head about what is possible for them. 

Most of which are just beliefs they accepted in the past when they didn’t know any better. 

The truth is anything is possible when you have the practical steps laid out for you and you nurture that seed of possibility that has always been there. 

These patterns can play out for all of us by the way; I know it did for both Nicky and me. 

So, over the next couple of posts, I want to reveal more about my story and journey, which I think many of you will be able to relate to. 


It’s about how I went from pulling pints to growing a business to 65 fee earners and an 8-figure turnover. 

I know, pretty magical, isn’t it? 

Let me explain how I got there. 

Back in the day, school wasn’t really my thing! 

I was not the brightest person; in fact, I think it would be fair to say I was a pretty average student. 

At the end of each term, my parents got the report card which always ended with, Katy could do better if she applied herself! 

I did have a few things going on. I had a hearing problem; I was dyslexic. I had learning disability. 

And, I played all these ‘things’ that were going on for me pretty well. 

So, I used my current reality to let myself take the easy way out. The voice in my head convinced me that I wasn’t intelligent enough or good enough: I just wasn’t ‘enough’. 

… and I believed it. 

 I decided I wasn’t going to university, so I’d get a job, any job. 

I then audited my skills!  

  • I could talk …. tick 
  • and I could pull pints …. tick  
  •  so I could work in a pub 

And that is what I did. 


Then I spiralled down as I got in with the wrong crowd, didn’t go to university and I am sure many of you can appreciate the situation I was in; you might have experienced something similar too? 

Then suddenly it was as if I finally woke up wondering what the hell was I going to do with my life. 

They say the universe leaves clues (it probably has for you too if you go back and look). 

The clue it left me was from my childhood. Because there was one thing that I had from a young age, and that was a picture of myself in power suits.  

I know, quite a vision, eh! 

So, you remember the eighties with the big bouffant hair and the, you know, those lovely neat power suits? 

And that was something I couldn’t shake off because it was in my heart. 

I wanted to wear the suits, and more importantly, I remembered that I really wanted to be that successful businesswomanwithin my core, I had a burning passion. 

This was my why’, the burning passion that saw me through. 

Then fast forward 15 years. I was fortunate and honored to run a recruitment business with an 8-figure turnover delivered through 65 fee earners working across 12 different disciplines across multiple sectors – each one of them producing £150k billings each year. 

Fact: It all started with my why and the belief that I could havebe, and do more. 

It wasn’t easy. 

It took work, and I have a few more nuggets to share with you next time about two specific things that were critical to my results. You can read that post here.

Warm regards, 


P.S. Wondering how you can grow your business to eight figures and beyond through a focus on your personal why? Then we need to talk. Apply for a call with one of us here, and we can show you how to accelerate your profits and freedom NOW.