Every manager needs a well-defined skill set. James Caan, in a recent LinkedIn article, talked about transferable skills and how important it is for each manager; no matter what industry sector, to develop theirs.

Though I agree on his observations; influence, communication, empathy and conviction are all must have skills for any manager yet in my own personal experience managing recruiter’s does need additional things added to the tool box and one in particular.

So in today’s new business economy what is the vital skill for recruiters?

Be able to think


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Yes that is what I said. The ability to think is one of the most undervalued skills I have ever come across. It is a harsh realisation that many recruiters that are consultants or managers don’t truly think. Instead they start to; worry, get anxious and then jump into action. If this is a pattern you have; how well is it serving you, I wonder?

Micro managing your team, emailing CV’s out or hitting the phones might make you feel better. It might also produce a level of results; longer term though it won’t enable the growth you want.

Excuse the pun and think about it. Actions taken in haste are often regretted. Actions taken after thought, consideration and exploring the facts generally deliver the results you want.

Let me give you an example. In the early part of this year we ran a retreat. It was designed with a number of outcomes in mind. The one thing the delegates commented on was that it gave them time to think and reflect about where their business was going and if that was the destination they still wanted? For some it wasn’t.  The amazing thing is that when we alter our thoughts our results change. Our thoughts set up a chain reaction which ultimately delivers what we are thinking about. They might be things we want and again they might not.

So how might that play out for you? First of all think about the situation you are in and what you truly want. Forget what other people think; it really is of no consequence.

If you want to help people develop and that makes your heart sing go for it; you are in good company. You will also be amply rewarded; billing managers with great skills always are.

If you have taken a recruitment manager role because you ‘thought’ you had to, rather than wanted to; you might need to reconsider the next 20 plus years. Think it through first. Many recruiters, who excel and don’t want that the responsibility of managing people, either decide to build an amazing desk where they are or branch out and become an independent recruiter…and we all know that can produce significant financial results.

What next?


Free Business Checkup Reveals…

How Fit Your Recruitment Business Is For Growth… 


Start thinking. If you are a billing manager and you love it, think about specifically what you want to achieve. Ask questions of the people around you and that one secret weapon we all have: Our subconscious mind. Use the answers you get to decide on your actions.

It’s easy to do. Ask yourself the question you need an answer to. Relax and let your mind do the work for you. Listen carefully for the answer.

If you are recruitment manager and you don’t love it; take some time away and think through what is happening. It might not be the end of the road. It could be that you need some additional skills or help in rekindling you passion.

All it remains for me to say is think about it.

Till next time,


If you want to learn how to set up your business, so that it stops under-performance once and for all, then join my free webinar:  The 5 Secrets Our Clients Use to Build 7 & 8 Figure Recruitment Businesses