Business development is one of the most important parts of any business — your recruitment business included. However, it’s also one part of the business that so many recruiters struggle with.

That’s because there are so many myths and misconceptions surrounding business development. Some believe that it takes so much effort that it takes time away from the usual daily routines. Some also think that it’s something that suits specific personality types and doesn’t really fit everybody’s skill set.

In this episode, Katy and Jane talk about how business development can be systematized in a way that’s super simple, but highly effective. These tactics will allow you to make biz dev a regular part of your daily routine without making you feel overwhelmed and overburdened.

The discussion includes ways to create new business development opportunities in regular parts of your workflow, actions that recruiters can do to make both clients and candidates see the added value you bring to the table, and scripts that can help make business development a more seamless process.


In this episode, Katy and Jane talk about:

  • How to build a simple but effective business development system
  • Common myths and misconceptions about business development
  • How to make business development a part of your daily routine
  • How to grab business development opportunities from your candidates and clients
  • The role of building strong relationships in business development
  • Additional actions you can do to show how you’re adding value to your role as a recruiter
  • And so much more!