Darren Winfield has been in the recruitment business for over 25 years and has had his fair share of ups and downs. As the CEO of Highbridge Talent and Evolution Recruit, he now looks back and realizes that he would never get to this stage of growth if he didn’t take the risk of making key changes to his processes.

When he started out as a generalist that just didn’t say “No” enough to potential clients. Just like in any other business, he was struggling to bring the profits in so turning clients away didn’t make sense to him. He accepted even the lowest profit margins even if it meant making sacrifices.

But he knew that he badly needed the growth if he wanted the business to stay afloat. So he jumped into the Rockit program and suddenly found himself making changes he never realized had such a huge impact on his business’s growth.

Now specializing in industrial, construction, and SaaS recruitment, he has doubled his revenues 12 months into the program and is currently working with more data than he’s ever had before. He now has the financial freedom that allows him to invest in the right tools and resources and finds himself working on projects he used to think he wouldn’t be able to handle.

Most importantly, he now works with a team that allows him to continue doing the things he is good at while leaving everything else to other experts on the team.

Tune in to this episode to find out how Darren turned his business around and moved from being a struggling generalist to a thriving specialist with unlimited potential for growth.

“People don’t care if you’re doing it for 25 years; if you don’t know what you’re doing now, then how can you help them?”  – Darren Winfield

In this episode, Darren talks about:

  • How he realized that he needed to start investing more in his own business to make growth happen
  • The biggest challenges he faced and the long-term solutions that his new approach provided
  • How he made the transition from being a generalist to a specialist and how that impacted their growth
  • How he zeroed in on an industry to specialize in and the results he got from taking the right risks
  • The importance of balancing the flow of candidates and clients
  • The value of accountability when working with a team
  • The impact of working with the right people and having a peer group that supports you and shares ideas and best practices with you
  • The importance of loving what you do instead of dealing with the day-to-day as just a job
  • And so much more!

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Darren Winfield:

Connect with Katy and Nicky: