Now that you are ready to go for the opportunity with a re-aligned team, it‘s time to get laser targeted.
Who do you now want to work with where you know you can deliver?
This is important.
I have heard the word pivot so many times in the last year, and yet although it can work incredibly well, you need to know what you are doing.
Let me share a story from one of our clients.
One of our clients worked in the travel sector, and they panicked because, within a matter of weeks, it shut almost completely.
And they freaked and then set up in a totally different industry they knew nothing about.
Here is how it played out.
They were suddenly working three jobs, which were high level on the face of it, good quality jobs, but totally outside their niche or expertise.
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Fast forward, and three weeks later, they’d lost three weeks. They hadn’t found any candidates. After all, they didn’t have a pool of great people they could access; because they started from scratch.
Three weeks later, another recruiter came in and placed those three jobs.
Now, the reason that happened was she’d seen a niche and thought, great, that’s a good job, but she knew nothing about the sector at all!
So she’d lost three weeks of her life versus another one of our clients who got clear on who their target clients were; and not just how to get clients – the type of clients that will have the money and are investing and growing.
What a difference getting clear on your market can make.
The second client we mentioned got clear on who the ideal clients and companies were and how to target these individuals.
They cleverly approached these people and then got them into a conversation. And fast forward, four weeks later, they have a retained assignment for £25k with clients where they can add value.
This deal broke fast because of the power of targeting and something else I will come onto, which is messaging.
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The Power of The Right Message and Approach
You might have noticed that you are sending out many emails that are being either ignored, or you have to send three or four times the amount of emails to get any results at all.
And you might also have noticed that mailshot marketing to candidates is not getting the same level of results.
You’re doing all the same things and working a lot harder than ever before. You are following the system, yet the results are not coming.
It’s just not working, and here is why.
We have had the biggest shift in the way business is working, and consequently, your message needs to change.
A friend shared this example that your client might have been thriving before, and you were selling them a yacht. Now they are surviving, and they need a lifeboat. A different message and illustrates the point.
So talk to your clients now and find out what their issues are that you can solve—time for a new way of winning.
We will explore this next time.
Warm regards,
Nicky and Katy
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Over the many years and clients we have helped, we have proved how the strategies we teach can shift your business; the same has happened during COVID.
If you want our help, it starts by booking a call with one of us here.
Speak soon.
Warm regards,
Nicky and Katy
P.S. Read our testimonials and case studies here, and then here is that link again to book your call.