In our last COVID recovery post, I shared with you my personal journey where I had the realisation that if I wanted different results, I would have to change too.
After working with my coach, I made some significant changes.
It wasn’t the easiest year and a half I have ever experienced either; yet sooooo well worth it.
As I stepped up, so did the team; funny that!
When I made the decision that I wanted better results, I started by putting more effort into how I worked with my team.
- I started dealing with them professionally.
- I turned up to meetings on time.
- I was fully prepared.
- I set up systems so that I reviewed, monitored and coached all the members of my team, so they had the opportunity to be accountable for everything they did.
Working with the law of the mirror is a powerful strategy…
Decisions and Planning
Making a decision is a massive part of kick–starting change; however, nothing will happen unless you have a plan.
Not always the favourite thing recruitment business owners want to do, and yet planning is a pivotal process if you’re going to shift anything in your life.
As I was changing my life over a couple of years, I consistently read one of the best personal development books of all time. If you haven’t read it, pick up a copy from Amazon. The book is by Napolean Hill, and it‘s called Think and Grow Rich. It was written over 80 years ago, and the lessons have stood the test of time every year since.
In the book, one of the strategies suggests that financial results will only happen when implementing clear, definitive, intelligently directed practical plans.
Logical I know, and yet so many people don’t plan.
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Exactly What You Need To Cover In The Initial 8 Weeks To Successfully Train and Onboard New Resourcers…
So, we see a lot of people who have a goal, but they have no clear strategy of how they’re going to achieve it.
So, they pretty much use what is known as a ‘spray and pray‘ approach. They take lots of action. They hope that they’re going to get results. But actually, what they don’t do is they don’t stick to anything long enough to see the results.
Along with spray and pray, we also have the silver squirrel; let me explain. This is when business owners are looking for the bright new shiny solution.
Many rec owners love variety. But the problem with that is that they don’t then ever follow through on one strategy because boredom and a lack of patience sets in.
And that means then they never can create that plan, that accumulation of money by completing that one thing.
So, they’ve got too much choice, and people then don’t commit to one course of action, and they jump from one strategy to another, and they don’t stick at it until they get to the end.
So be honest with yourself and get clear on one plan and make this decision to plan your actions and stick to it.
Sticking to The Plan
This is how we can get great results with our clients; we know the strategies that work.
Let’s say a client comes to us with a 300k turnover and a goal to double their business to 600k. We then show them the quickest and shortest path to do that with, some tiny tweaks.
We call them The Game Changers, and they are profit levers in our clients business.
We look at your process and your data, what you’re already doing and then look at how you then master this.
Fact: Evidence and data doesn’t lie.
By doing this, we can identify what is and isn’t working; and most recruitment business owners don’t track data consistently.
Then once you know what these profit leavers are, you can achieve results fast; COVID or no COVID!
Free Business Checkup Reveals…
“How Fit Your Recruitment Business Is For Growth…
So, you need to have a plan, and you need to focus, and this is the thing.
And a lot of people who are struggling at the moment are just flitting in between lots of different things.
So you’re better to do one thing excellently than two things at once because you can do one thing a hundred per cent excellently, but soon, as you split your attention across two things, you’re focusing on doing two things, 50% excellently.
Then if you’ve got three things on the go, you’re doing three things, only 33% excellently …………….and the list goes on.
So, you’re better to pick one thing and then do it, um, excellently.
So, focus on your plan.
Next time we will share how to move into action, even if you don’t feel you are ready.
Warm regards
Nicky and Katy
P.S. If you want help to identify your Game Changers sooner rather than later, we can help. Book your complimentary Profit Accelerator call with one of us here.