As we continue our series on candidate attraction, the next step is to surround yourself with like-minded souls; those people on the same mission as you. 

So, what do I mean by this statement that you might have heard before? 

Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins original mentor, shared that the five people you spend the most time with are essentially who you will become. 

That being the case, then it is a good idea to get clear on what you want in the first place. So, when you know what you want to achieve, ask yourself the question: who do I know who’s done that before, or who can help me, or who do I know that’s doing that right now?  

And what skills do I need, and what type of people do I learn best from? 

Because we do become who we are around.  

So, make sure that you’re surrounded by people who support you, particularly when things are tough. 

You might not have your mindset completely dialled in, so ensure you are around people who have and who can help you. 

So, every day, you can be on track and be the highest version of yourself who is at cause., So that you are going to take the right sets of action. 

  • Think about who am I spending my time with right now?  
  • …… and what impact is that having on my business and my results.  
  • And right now, in the current marketplace, who do I need to hang out with? 
  • Who do I need to surround myself with?  
  • Who’s on that mission that will support me to move forward and be there to help me do the things that I want to do.  

Don’t underestimate the power of doing this. 

Some of you might even have people who are good friends of yours or have been good friends, but you have noticed when you spend time with them, they suck the energy out of you, or you leave them, and you feel worse after being in their company because they are always the victim rather than the creator. 

So, the thing about this is you can control this situation and direct where you want to go over the coming months. Do you know where you want to take your business and what’s important to you and your family? So, surround yourself with those people on the same mission as you that will help you move forward.  

This is a fascinating concept. During the height of lockdown, many people who were on their own were going ‘downhill’ because they had no positive input from others to help them get perspective. 

Ironically, this scenario is like what many business owners face all the time, let alone during a pandemic. It is one of the loneliest places because everything comes through you. 

So, who do you speak to?  

And so, if you are one of those people who is struggling on their own, know that you don’t need to do that. The quicker you can surround yourself with people who are on the same mission as you, the better.  

You will be astounded at the difference it makes.  

This is one of the areas people appreciate who work with the Centredexcellence team in our programmes; not only do they get support and help from us, but they also get perspective from fellow business owners. 


Warm regards, 

Nicky and Katy 


Would You Like Our Help? 

Over the many years and clients we have helped, we have proved how the strategies we teach can shift your business; the same has happened throughout last year. 

If you want our help, it starts by booking a call with one of us here. 

Speak soon. 

Warm regards, 

Nicky and Katy 

P.S. Read our testimonials and case studies here, and then here is that link again to book your call.