A challenge for recruiters is that we often have a shady reputation with candidates. And I have to say, for a long time, I wasn’t comfortable saying to my friends, “I’m in recruitment” because so many people have had such an awful experience as a candidate from a recruiter that they’re like, oh God, you’re as bad as estate agents!
This reputation does not help us build longstanding relationships with candidates.
Therefore, if you can have something in place that really sets you apart from everybody, a place where people can come to and get answers for the questions they need, they can get advice; they can get huge value for free.
It sets you apart from your competition. Think about it, who are they more likely to go to – you or your competitor – when they come to move jobs?
Something that will deliver this for you relates to building a tribe.
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Building Your Tribe
This process of building a tribe was documented by Seth Godin in his book Tribes. It is well worth buying and let me read you a relevant example.
So, what we’re talking about here is building a tribe. The example I am going to share is Joel.
Joel is changing the world. Maybe not your world, but the world of programmers and software companies and the people who work with them. The way Joel is changing the world, though, is something every single one of us needs to pay attention to.
Now, while Joel runs a small software company in New York, his real passion is talking about how to run a small software company through blogs, books, conferences. Joel has changed the way many smart people think about finding, hiring, and managing programmers along the way. Joe has assembled a large and influential tribe of people who come to him for leadership.
A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another.
A group needs only two things to be a tribe; a shared interest and a way to communicate. And Joel provides both. He runs a profitable job board that attracts the best programmers and jobs in the world. He even created the widely used Joel test, which measures how a program or how programme friendly a job might be.
Search him on Google, and there are 76 million matches: what a presence. Tribes need leadership. Sometimes, one person leads; sometimes, more people want connection, growth, and something new. They want change. And that leadership by the change he’s given the tribe a lever to dramatically. Also, the way business is carried out in their industry. And along the way, he’s found his passion and grown his company.
So, here’s the thing.
Imagine if you had a community that was only full of your avatar candidates, those ready now and in the future.
It is a community where they can come to and get advice. They can get ideas and answers to help their challenges.
And you are the person who leads and builds that community so that when you have a really amazing job, you can pop it into that community along with all the other value you add.
We have our own Facebook Community you can join, the recruitment business accelerator; this is a community. Facebook communities are so much better than LinkedIn as the engagement is higher.
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And, um, Facebook at the moment is definitely the best place to do this. LinkedIn, unfortunately, I don’t know. From our experience, there’s not the level of engagement on LinkedIn that you get with Facebook, but you could also have this within your group.
The thing about groups is rather than having to have one-to-one conversations, you can actually have one conversation with many people.
Somebody will start a thread alert question, and other people will then add in and join in on their experiences. So, you’re getting advice posted in your tribe from multiple sources.
A community like this helps with your nurture process.
Plus, you’re able to stay connected, you’re able to add value, and you’re able then to find what’s happening at ground level. The analogy I use is your community resembles a garden.
As an example, a Facebook group is like a garden. You plant some seeds, you might sprinkle some water and sun into the group as you help them with questions, and they start to grow with minimal input from you; and of course, this is your group.
You set the tone so that you can be seen as the authority and the leader in that group. Remember, people buy from people they know and like, and trust and a group help you position yourself as a go-to person.
We have this as part of our training and several clients who do this incredibly well, and I will tell you more about this next time.
Warm regards,
Nicky and Katy
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Warm regards,
Nicky and Katy
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